Korean tourists rush to travel to Japan after the visa - free ban is lifted - Where did the No Japan movement disappear?
Category:South Korea
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Diplomatic relations restored even though they were supposed to hate it
Many Japanese wonder why they restored diplomatic relations if they hated it so much. Did the South Korean government explain to the people the reason for the restoration of diplomatic relations? There could be many reasons.
(1) We have entered an era in which it is essential to restore diplomatic relations between Japan and South Korea amidst postwar South Korea-US relations and international trends. ? Because it was judged that restoring diplomatic relations with Japan would have great economic benefits for the economy, which had suffered after the Korean War. ?The conditions presented by the Japanese side for the restoration of diplomatic relations were beneficial for Korea's future, and the benefits of concluding the treaty were recognized.
The South Korean government does not communicate the details of the restoration of diplomatic relations
? and ? are the prerequisites for the restoration of diplomatic relations, but ? is something that cannot be explained to the public. As a result, its contents have never been explained to this day. South Korea seems to want to be in the position of reluctantly restoring diplomatic relations, but the content of the agreement was almost like a unilateral contract that contained only the benefits for South Korea. If you think about it, the same thing can be said about the annexation of Japan and Korea.
The same goes for the annexation of Japan and Korea
The background to the annexation of Japan and Korea is as follows:
(1) It became impossible to stop Russia's interests. ? Domestic turmoil made it impossible to collect information. ? I thought it would be beneficial to consider national stability by being incorporated into Japan.
Regarding this, the purpose of the above-mentioned annexation is clearly stated in the imperial admonition issued by the Sun Song Dynasty (the last emperor of the Joseon Dynasty) at the time of the annexation, but the story is that Japan annexed it by force. That's the translation.
Korean tourists flock to Japan, which they hate
As a result, during the annexation era, the Korean peninsula reluctantly accepted modernization, its population grew reluctantly, and it reluctantly went to school, and now it reluctantly negotiates with Japan and reluctantly trades with Japan. And I have no choice but to reluctantly go on a trip to Japan. Is the No Japan movement a movement that tells people not to buy Japanese products if they don't want to? It is understandable in that sense, but the government changed and Koreans reluctantly began traveling to Japan.
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Korea, where the government recognizes history, will not be revised even if new facts are discovered.
History is just a collection of cognition.History of the past is incorporated into history in accordance with the interpretation that it is the same with one sentence, one letter, and one word.It is impossible to prepare enough evidence in history to confirm the facts in the current trial.
History recognized as the past is corrected by newly discovered facts.It is a case in which conflicting statements are found in past views that have been found.Whenever new facts are discovered in historians' quest, historical cognition is corrected.
In Japan, new facts have been discovered and history has been reviewed one after another.U.S. military information such as Hullnotes, which triggered the start of the Pacific War, has been released one after another after the deadline for confidentiality.As a result, the U.S. military's Sea of Japan chart, which is the basis for the start of the war and the dropping of atomic bombs, and the establishment of borders in Sea of Japan after the war, has been discovered and revised.
How do you explain that the photo in the textbook, which was published as a forced work man in Korea, was found to be a Japanese working in a coal mine and canceled it?
King Gojong, for example, is said to have failed to sign the Japan-South Korea annexation treaty.What would happen if King Gojong found a new note saying he was in favor of the annexation treaty?Will Korea correct history?
If the Japanese government is to be found guilty of the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery issue, it must at least present substantiable evidence under current law.It is evidence to support when, who, how, and in what way.There is no such evidence and is sentenced only by testimony.
History is like a creature that is constantly examined, supplemented, and corrected within the bounds of academic freedom.Therefore, it is impossible for the government or the judiciary to determine history.
The "no distortion of history " and "pro-Japanese praise ban " proposed in South Korea are laws that do not change the history of Koreans being enslaved under Japanese rule and prohibit the development of the Korean Peninsula under Japanese rule.
In other words, the legislature is submitting legislation that restricts freedom of speech and suppresses academic freedom.
Historical problems are basically problems between historians.The government of that time cannot recognize history.
The South Korean government is responsible for the Korean government's refusal to allow its nationals to repatriate - Japan protected them out of human rights considerations.
The issue of forced labor and the issue of residents in Japan are related. Conscription on the Korean Peninsula took place from August 1944 until the end of the war the following year. Until then, Koreans on the Korean peninsula were not subject to conscription or conscription. Employment at Japanese companies is highly sought after, and despite being conscripted, Mitsubishi Mining received seven times as many applications as recruitment.
Normally, those living in Japan would be forced to leave because they are foreigners, but the reason why this is not the case is because of the 1965 Japan-Korea Status of Forces Agreement. The South Korean government at the time received a huge amount of aid, but refused to allow its citizens to return home. Since all Koreans in Japan were believed to be slave laborers who had been forcibly taken away from Japan, it would have been inconvenient for a large number of people who had experienced a different reality to return home. Japan restored diplomatic relations out of human rights considerations and guaranteed the Koreans' status in Japan.
As was made clear in the Gunkanjima issue, the recruitment at that time was legal recruitment under ILO standards. In terms of human rights issues, it lies with the South Korean government, which has refused to allow large numbers of its own citizens to return and has discarded them. That is a human rights issue. And what is being made a fuss about all this is the issue of conscripted labor.
[Korea] Unable to accept the fact that the Rising Sun flag was saluted at the naval review ceremony, he started saying that it might not be the Rising Sun flag.
Ship review ceremony attended by South Korean military for the first time in 7 years
A disturbing debate erupts
If it's not the Rising Sun flag, don't yell from the beginning
The South Korean Navy participated in Japan's naval review ceremony for the first time in seven years. Attention was focused on whether or not he would salute the Japanese naval ship holding the Rising Sun flag, and it appears he did so. This is the minimum international ritual required for a ship review ceremony. Do Koreans salute the Rising Sun flag? He's a traitor. There are a lot of criticisms like this, but if that's the case, then you should just not participate in it in the first place.
This is the first time the South Korean military has attended a Japanese naval review ceremony since 2015, during the Park Geun-hye government. There are other completely unbelievable discussions taking place in South Korea. The Rising Sun flag of the former Japanese military and the flag of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force are very similar but slightly different, so there are opinions that this flag is not the Rising Sun flag, and opinions that it is the Rising Sun flag.
In other words, on the premise that he had to take part in a naval review ceremony and take a salute, he said in frustration that if he looked closely, it might not be the Rising Sun flag. Have they forgotten that they have repeatedly complained that the crab pattern on the wrapper of Burger King's ``Snow Crab Whopper'' is the Rising Sun flag?
Voting for South Korea's unified local elections was held on June 1st, with the ruling party
Local elections won by the ruling party
Local administration launches anti-Japanese movement
The president is the head of the executive branch
Twisted power runs amok
Efforts to improve relationships are always destroyed
Adopts resolution that violates international commitments
South Korea cannot keep its promises
Voting for South Korea's unified local elections was held on June 1st, with the ruling party "People's Power" winning 12 out of 17 regions, and the "Tomo Democratic Party" winning 4 regions including Jeolla Province and Gyeonggi Province by a narrow margin. It is reported that the ruling party won by a landslide, winning only five regions. This appears to be a trend that will lead to a resolution of the kinks between local government, the president, and the cabinet.
The No Japan movement was largely led by local governments. Gyeonggi Province, Seoul City, and Busan City have passed ordinances stipulating ``war criminal company stickers'' or ``restrictions on the purchase of war criminal company products.'' This is a surprising ordinance that places stickers on the products of Japanese companies that have been unilaterally labeled as war criminal companies, and restricts the use and purchase of those products in government agencies and schools.
Local governments in South Korea not only decide local leaders, but also exercise a variety of powers, including issuing ordinances that can lead to diplomatic issues between countries.
Regarding the ban on imports from Fukushima Prefecture, fishing organizations in coastal areas such as Busan are putting tremendous pressure on local governments. This is a local economic issue, and we do not want to import Japanese seafood to South Korea. This is to protect Korean fishing organizations. It is clear from the beginning that this is not a scientific problem.
The president assumes the position of head of the executive branch. Since the president is the head of state who is directly elected by the votes of all citizens, he is given great powers, unlike the prime minister in a parliamentary system.
In a parliamentary system, the leader of the parliament with the largest majority is elected prime minister. Therefore, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, and the Diet, which is the legislative branch, will not be distorted. If anything could be twisted, the House of Representatives and the House of Councilors would be twisted.
In South Korea, the current president is Yun Seok-Yeol, who ran for office based on ``the power of the people,'' and the Democratic Party of Korea holds 58% of the seats in the National Assembly, the legislative body. In other words, even if the president uses his prerogatives, Congress can pass one bill after another to nullify them.
Substantive exchanges between Japan and South Korea began in 1998, when the Japan-Korea Joint Declaration was signed. Until then, Japanese culture, anime, manga, dramas, etc. had been prohibited in South Korea, but this declaration will lift the ban on these. It was also during this period that Korean dramas and K-POP began to flow into Japan.
Also known as the Obuchi-Kim Dae-jung Declaration, it was a declaration that comprehensively resolved the Japan-Korea issue, including the joint hosting of the 2002 FIFA World Cup between Japan and Korea and the conclusion of a new fisheries agreement regarding the Takeshima issue. It will be deactivated immediately thereafter.
On July 18, 2001, the South Korean parliament passed a unanimous resolution calling on the South Korean government to abolish the Japan-Korea Joint Declaration. Then, a large number of Korean fishing boats appeared near Takeshima, and the territorial issue reignited and continues to this day, and the activities of civil society groups on issues such as the forced labor issue and the comfort women issue further expanded. This is despite the fact that the World Cup was co-hosted by Japan and South Korea in 2002.
Will Congress vote to invalidate the president's diplomatic promises with other countries? Such unbelievable things happen in the South Korean National Assembly.
This has hardly been reported in Japan. Japan was united towards the success of the Japan-Korea joint World Cup. And during the match of this tournament, an incident occurs where Korean players criticize the Rising Sun flag and promote Takeshima as Korean territory. The premise behind this was that South Korea was already trying to revoke the 1998 Joint Declaration.
In South Korea, the president's powers will only be effectively exercised if he wins the presidential election and unified local elections, and the ``power of the people'' wins the national election in 2024.
The issue of South Korean ships conducting investigations around Takeshima shortly before and immediately after the presidential inauguration became a problem. In other words, South Korea is not even equipped to keep its promises..
This is especially noticeable in anti-Japanese groups. In South Korea, members of both the ruling and opposition parties are basically anti-Japanese.. Even if the Diet tries to improve relations with Japan as a matter of policy, if its practical interests are endangered, it will easily turn into an anti-Japanese Diet.
In Japan, if things are twisted, things will not be decided, but in Korea, twisted power begins to run amok. It is an uncontrolled rampage that continues even if international agreements are broken.
Looking at Mr. Yoon Suk Yeol's argument, the content of the liberal camp, which is the opposite of the pro - China and pro - North Moon Jae In administration
- Regarding diplomacy: Diplomacy is not visible in the Moon Jae-in government. His philosophy and values are also unclear. A clear value system should make our future predictable, but this is lacking.
These include the rule of law, liberal democracy, the value of human rights, and a codified international legal order. We must maintain and develop relationships between countries that share this same understanding.
[Yin Seok-yue's claim]
Regarding historical issues: We must always clearly define past history based on truth, and point out what needs to be pointed out. In matters of reality and the future, the interests of the people and the nation must be considered. After all, it's for future generations.
About Kim Jong-un: Kim Jong-un is judged to be a dictator in the light of modern civilized nations and liberal democratic systems. At the same time, he is a very decisive figure for the denuclearization of North Korea, for the Korean peninsula and for sustainable world peace, so he is a partner who must keep an outlet for dialogue open.
Security and defense: The right direction is for the United States to strengthen the expansionary restraint it provides to friendly countries through intercontinental ballistic missiles.
About the United States: The Biden administration of the United States is determined to overwhelm China with cutting-edge technology and to bring its standards to China. Global business will be difficult to establish if companies turn their backs on the United States, so the government must lead companies with ``strategic clarity.''
THAAD: Regarding the deployment of the THAAD system, it is ``clearly our sovereign territory,'' but it is a ``horizontal relationship with China.''
Regarding China: In order to insist on withdrawal of THAAD deployment, China must first withdraw long-range radars deployed near its own borders. Fulfill the agreement to normalize relations between South Korea and China unless additional THAAD deployments are made.
Contents are normal. The impression is that it follows the trend of the latter half of the Park Geun-hye administration. Since it is difficult to win with the current point difference, the focus will be on how concrete this content can be and whether it can create a message that can gather floating votes.