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Yoon Seok - yeol wins the 20th presidential election...with a narrow margin of 1 percentage point.

2022-03-10  Category:South Korea

Yoon Seok - yeol wins the 20th presidential election...with a narrow margin of 1 percentage point.

Photo by Steve46814 (licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

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Yoon Seok-yeol will be the president of Korea

Yoon Seok-yeol of the opposition party won the 20th presidential election by a narrow margin of 1 percent.Conservative parties have taken back the chair where pro-China and pro-North Korean left-wing presidents sat for five years.Yoon strongly criticized the Moon Jae In administration's policies and is eager to improve relations with Japan by taking a pro-U.S. stance.However, there are many concerns.

In the beginning, there are many difficulties

The future of the Korean economy, which relies heavily on the Chinese economy, is uncertain because the Democratic Party won about 60% of the seats in the 2020 general elections and Yoon Seok-yeol mentioned the deployment of THAAD.And even if Japan is eager to improve relations, it is based on Japan's apology and compensation, and in fact, it is drawing a starting line in the same place as the Moon Jae In administration.

The Japanese government is expected to remain parallel for a while because it is difficult to change its position that it has already been resolved through the Japan-South Korea Claim Agreement and the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery Agreement.However, the anti-Japanese movement is expected to subside as Korea's anti-Japanese sentiment is limited to Japanese Military Sexual Slavery and recruitment issues, but the Japanese government is expected to use U.S. power to demand an apology from Japan.

Anti-Japanese areas support Lee Jae-myeong

The election results are close to 1%, so regions with significant results are:

North Gyeongsang Province: 72.83% for Yoon Seok-yeol, 23.73% for Lee Jae-myeong

North Jeolla Province: 83.05% for Lee Jae-myeong, 14.36% for Yoon Seok-yeol

South Jeolla Province: Lee Jae-myeong 86.22%, Yoon Seok-yeol 11.34%

Gwangju Metropolitan City: Lee Jae-myeong 85%, Yoon Seok-yeol 12.56%

The difference is between 5% and 20% at most, regardless of which of the four regions is dominant.In any case, Lee Jae-myung's approval rating is close to 1 percent depending on the Honam region.Lee Jae-myung won only in Gyeonggi Province, Sejong Special Self-Governing Province, and Jeju Special Self-Governing Province.I heard that Moon Jae In also became president with the support of the Honam region.This is an enthusiastic pro-China anti-Japanese area, and this is probably the central area where they want to sell their seafood by inciting harmful rumors of Fukushima Prefecture seafood and criticizing Fukushima treated water.


First of all, it's a good thing that a conservative president takes office as a choice for better one, but Japan needs to calmly identify the other person.