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Some countries are saddened by the sad news about former Prime Minister Abe, while others are happy - as expected, South Korea was the only democratic country to be happy.

2022-07-11  Category:South Korea

Some countries are saddened by the sad news about former Prime Minister Abe, while others are happy  -  as expected, South Korea was the only democratic country to be happy.

Photo by 首相官邸ホームページ (licensed under CC BY 4.0)

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Condolences received from various countries

In response to the sad news about former Prime Minister Abe, condolences have been pouring in from heads of state around the world, with many comments from democratic countries in particular saying that the world has lost a great leader. Mr. Trump, who was a close friend of Mr. Trump, immediately sent an extraordinary message of regret. However, there are countries that are completely different even if they are democracies. As you can imagine, it's South Korea.

South Korea welcomes death while twisting logic

Some South Korean articles say that with the death of former Prime Minister Abe, Japan's right-wing forces have lost their unifying force, and that members of parliament seeking to improve Japan-Korea relations have gained relative strength, leading to Prime Minister Kishida becoming a This means that they will be able to exercise their options. What on earth does this mean? It seems like they want to say that this is a good sign for improving relations with Japan.

Results opposite to Korea's expectations

There is no doubt that Mr. Abe was the spiritual pillar of Japan's right-wing movement. But the problem comes after that. After receiving the sad news about Abe, the members of the Diet who have close ties to him have regained their composure and strengthened their resolve to carry on Abe's will. This is clear from the statements made by these legislators and on Twitter. Rep. Rui Matsukawa and others have clearly expressed their feelings and made strong statements even at press conferences after securing victory.

In other words, with the death of former Prime Minister Abe, Mr. Abe's resolve has become firmer in his long-awaited efforts to revise the constitution and break away from the post-war regime in order to restore Japan's prestige. In other words, the current situation is completely opposite to that country's irritating predictions.

Is the national character different from that country?

Japanese people don't have the emotions that most people in Korea usually expect. Even if people and towns are swept away by the tsunami, reconstruction begins the next day. Korea must have been very happy at this time as well. In response to this sad news about Mr. Abe, there is a completely distorted and eerie feeling that is visible as if people are welcoming Mr. Abe's death while calling for improved relations with Japan.

Impression that improving relations is far away

As long as we keep saying things like that, there will be no improvement in relations between Japan and South Korea. When will they be able to see events in a normal way? Will such a day ever come? The future is beyond imagination.

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