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minimum wage

2021-07-01  Category:South Korea

minimum wage

Photo by Brücke-Osteuropa (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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In Korea, the minimum wage has increased by 35% in four years...

Apartment prices in Seoul have risen 93 percent over the past four years...

If the minimum wage is 8,720 won, is it 6,459 won four years ago?The increase in the minimum wage increases the number of self-employed businesses closing.Decrease in employment...

Usually, Increasing jobs come first.Wouldn't the minimum wage go up for companies to secure employment if the effective recruitment ratio goes up?I can't believe going to raise the minimum wage first.You're a fool.

Japan's minimum wage varies from prefecture to prefecture.Of course, if the minimum wage is raised, the government will carefully observe the price index and economic conditions of each region.It is unthinkable to raise the price by 35 percent across the board.