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International Hackers Hacked Russian Broadcasting - They broad casted the video of Ukraine Invasion.

2022-03-08  Category:Ukraine

International Hackers Hacked Russian Broadcasting  -  They broad casted the video of Ukraine Invasion.

Photo by Hassene9696 (licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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On March 7, Anonymous, an international hacking group, hacked Russian state-run television and video broadcasting sites to broadcast images of Ukraine's invasion.On February 25, the group publicly declared war on Russia in the event of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the hacker group said it was considering Vladimir Putin's regime.Russian streaming services Wink, Ivi, and TV stations include Russia 24, Channel 1, and Moscow 24.The hacking group said, "One way to stop Putin from running wild is to arouse the public's awareness which is under intelligence control."
