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Is Russia sending 1,000 mercenaries to Ukraine?Are the troops attacking Kiev really regular?

2022-03-05  Category:Ukraine

Is Russia sending 1,000 mercenaries to Ukraine?Are the troops attacking Kiev really regular?

Photo by MC1 Chad J McNeeley U.S. Navy (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Statement of captured Russian soldiers

There are many reports that Ukrainian troops are fighting well to prevent Russian aggression, but Russian soldiers captured by Ukrainian soldiers are questionable."I came all the way here without knowing where I was going," "I participated in the battle without any training."Surprisingly, soldiers who make video calls with their mother in Russia and cry, "I want to go back to Russia soon."It is clear that they are conscripts and trainees, but what percentage of them participate?

The question from the beginning is whether the Russian camp attacking Kiev is really a regular army.It seems this Russian soldiers are not professional combat groups.So where is the regular army?Will it be a second wave?

Russia will send 1,000 mercenaries in the future

CNN reported that Russia is expected to send up to 1,000 mercenaries to Ukraine in the next few days or weeks.A high-ranking Western intelligence official said, "The Russian government warned that it could "subdue multiple cities by bombing," adding, "As the war intensifies, many civilians will be killed."Where will Russian professional soldiers engage in operations and how will 1,000 mercenaries be deployed in the future?

The procession to Kiev seems to be aimed at concentrating Ukrainian soldiers on the defense of the capital.Russia, on the other hand, is continuously suppressing Zapoliza and Helson in the region from Donbas to Crimea.Are they going to take the time to attacking Kiev and buy time, while you subdue other key points?


Russia seems to be invading Ukraine for several purposes.What will be done before the fall of the capital and what will the next troops to be deployed in the future?

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