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Russia criticizes Romania for lending an airport as participating in the war.Romania is a member of NATO.

2022-03-07  Category:Ukraine

Russia criticizes Romania for lending an airport as participating in the war.Romania is a member of NATO.

Photo by Дмитрий-5-Аверин (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Is Russia the Soviet Union?At least it's not Russia anymore.

Democracy has weakened.Under the pressure of China's economy, liberal countries are only fighting defense.The world is trembling with China's expansion and with Russia's ongoing military aggression.This means that solidarity between democracies has weakened.At least there was strong unity during the Cold War in liberal countries, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union, liberal countries focused on their economic activities.The loss of the enemy means peace.With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Union of Eastern European Union collapsed.Russia and Belarus are now continuing to defend the former Soviet forces of the Soviet Union.Is Russia now the Soviet Union?No, not the Soviet Union, but Russia.So what is going on now?Is the world asking itself this question?

What exactly was the Cold War?

What is the significance of NATO's existence?The world had lived half a century under tension that even a single shell could lead to World War III, confronting a military alliance called Warsaw Treaty Organization had centered on the Soviet Union.Biden repeatedly said, "We will not wage war with Russia because World War III will come."Romania was criticized by Russia.In other words, if Rumania continues to lend airports to Ukraine. military, it will be considered as joining a war.Romania is a member of NATO.What would happen if Romania were bombarded by Russia?In this case, we would surprise if Biden says, "I won't participate in the war because World War III will come." And I wondered what the Cold War was.

There is no end to the Russian invasion.Putin said there would be a ceasefire only if Ukraine accepted all Russian demands.This can also be seen as an ultimatum to the negotiations.Economic sanctions have backfired in Ukraine's invasion.Russia wants to compensate for the loss of economic sanctions through aggression.


Putin said, "Economic sanctions in developed countries are like declaring war."Ironically, Russia doesn't seem to want to stop the invasion in the future.
