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Biden Emphasizes Polish Defense - Defense as NATO's Right to Collective Self - Defense.

2022-03-27  Category:Ukraine

Biden Emphasizes Polish Defense  -  Defense as NATO's Right to Collective Self - Defense.

Photo by Estonian Foreign Ministry (licensed under CC BY 2.0)

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Poland protected by the right to collective self-defense

In a meeting with President Duda in Poland on Wednesday, Biden stressed that as a member of NATO, he will take responsibility for the defense of Poland in connected with Ukraine."We see Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty as a sacred obligation.I don't care if you trust me," he said.Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty provides for the right to collective self-defense of NATO members.Shouldn't he have issued a statement immediately after the invasion of Ukraine instead of making a promise at the summit?

Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty 

 Contracting States agree to regard armed attacks on one or more Contracting States in Europe or North America as attacks on all Contracting States.Consequently, the Contracting States agree that, in the event of such an armed attack, each Party shall assist the attacked Party by exercising the right of individual or collective self-defense permitted under Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, individually and immediately.

 Any such armed attack and any resulting action shall be immediately reported to the Security Council.Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken necessary measures to restore and maintain international peace and security.

Confirmation of Article 5 that feels slow

This will allow NATO to exercise its right to collective self-defense against attacks on member states.This is why NATO is a powerful military alliance.After Russia's invasion of Ukraine began, it should have been the first to refer to this Article 5.By the way, after Trump took office, there was widespread concern that member states would not fulfill their defense obligations unless they increased their defense spending, but in June, at a joint press conference with Romanian President Johannes, he declared his support for Article 5.