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International hacker groups target companies that do not withdraw from Russia.Japanese companies are among them.

2022-03-23  Category:Ukraine

International hacker groups target companies that do not withdraw from Russia.Japanese companies are among them.

Photo by James Harrison (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Target foreign companies that do not withdraw from Russia

On Twitter, the international hacker group Anonymous warned that its target would be a company that refuses to withdraw from Russia because it uses data collection from Russian companies to financially support Ukrainians.Among the companies receiving the warning are Japan's Dentsu International and Bridgestone.They wrote they give 48 hours to withdraw from Russia.We also tweeted that if you didn't withdraw, you would be under our target, and reported that we launched an unprecedented attack on the Russian government website.It increased its peak capacity from the previous 500GB and is now up to 1TB, two to three times more powerful than the most serious incidents.

Test security cameras throughout the city

The group also announced on March 18 that it tested 14,000 cameras around Kiev.We found vulnerabilities that are equally possible in Russia.He tweeted, adding that he would also proceed with camera intrusion tests in other major Ukrainian cities.On March 11th, anonymous called for a global boycott of Nestle products and claimed attacks on its site over the past few days against the company, which has more than 7,000 employees in Russia.Pizza chain Papa John's also criticized 190 Russian stores for continuing to operate.

On February 25, the group declared war on Russia, and on March 7, the group successfully hacked Russian state-run TV and online streaming sites, replacing images and reporting.


The image posted on twitter also includes Japanese companies.UNIQLO has also announced that it will not withdraw from Russia.
