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What is the cause of Ukraine's problems?What triggered the war?Why did war break out in the past?

2022-03-01  Category:Ukraine


戦艦朝日 Photo by Unknown author (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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What did Ukraine's problems start with?

The Ukraine issue is a confrontation between liberalism, authoritarianism, and hegemonism, but it is of paramount importance.In terms of a wide-area Europe, including Russia, this is due to the military imbalance between NATO and Russia.The war broke out after diplomatic negotiations broke down.Diplomatic negotiations vary, but what is most likely to lead to war is a change in military balance.The reason why Japan is calling for a revision of Article 9 of the Constitution is that East Asia's military balance between China's military expansion and North Korea's nuclear and missile development has been greatly undermined.

What did the Iraq War start with?

The Bush administration, which has failed to catch up with the U.S. public opinion since the September 11 terrorist attacks on Iraq, had launched a war on the grounds of intervention with Al Qaeda and possession of nuclear weapons.The U.S. and Britain entered the war without conclusive evidence of nuclear weapons during the U.N. inspection.Liberal countries were directly or indirectly involved in the war, with 116,000 civilian casualties in Iraq.As a result of many casualties, Iraq had no nuclear weapons.Eventually, the U.S. military arrested Saddam Hussein, established a puppet regime in Iraq, and Saddam Hussein was executed by Iraqi justice.Russia's current operations in Ukraine are small in scale, but one of the objectives seems to be Zelensky's head.So what is the difference between the Iraq War and Ukraine?

What did the Russo-Japanese War start with?

The reason why the Russo-Japanese War began was that Russia's military balance toward the south of the Korean Peninsula had changed.The Iraq War was a war in which the U.S. overreacted to the change in the military balance of possessing nuclear weapons in the Middle East, resulting in no nuclear weapons.Underlying the Nazi invasion is a change in military balance.All wars in the past have this problem at heart.On the contrary, if the regional military balance is stable, war is unlikely.

Although various anti-war movements by liberal countries will work to sway public opinion around the world and Russia, it will not be a real solution unless NATO and Russia establish a space balance of peace.


Russian military aggression is never allowed.However, if you misjudge what the original solution is, the problem will not be solved forever.