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Former President Trump praised Putin as a

2022-02-23  Category:Ukraine

Former President Trump praised Putin as a

Photo by Gage Skidmore (licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

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Trump praises Putin

Former President Donald Trump praised Putin's move as "savvy" and "genius."President Vladimir Putin may be a genius given the speed, timing, and results of his strategic implementation, regardless of what he has done since the Russian military was stationed near the Ukrainian border.On the other hand, the situation in Europe and the United States is regrettable.NATO members in Europe and the United States have declared in advance that they will not send troops to Ukraine.That would have been a card that didn't need to be shown.This is a huge negotiation card.

Europe and the United States negotiating with the remaining cards

This is a way of persuading Russia to stop attacking Ukraine because NATO will not send troops to Ukraine.The way to discourage Putin is to do economic sanctions and arms aid to Ukraine.President Zelensky's desire to join NATO after the Crimean crisis is natural, but how was the process designed? He seems to have approached the U.S. or rushed to apply for NATO membership.Ukraine is the country that knows Russia's intentions best, and it seems that it has suddenly abandoned its role as a buffer between Western Europe and Russia.What are the benefits of buffer countries?Ukraine is the country that can enjoy its benefits between EU and Russia.

The benefits of protecting Ukraine are uncertain

In terms of profits, what do NATO think?What are the benefits of Ukraine joining NATO?Or what are the advantages of Ukraine's entry into the Western economic bloc?It is hard to believe that Ukraine has proposed these proposals in detail and detail.If Ukraine had continued to build alliances with other countries in its one-to-one relationship, and if NATO membership has existed in the future, where is this process?As a result, Western Europe openly abandoned Ukraine ,and the United States also in an instant.Putin had carefully observed these relationships ,and seems to have recognized the independence of pro-Russian forces in Ukraine.


Ukraine has lost part of its country, and is there still a way to join NATO?They need to prepare for Putin's next strategy.
