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Zelensky said he would die because of NATO.Next, all three Baltic countries.

2022-03-08  Category:Ukraine

Zelensky said he would die because of NATO.Next, all three Baltic countries.

Photo by sayama (licensed under pixabay)

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Zelensky urged Western countries to strengthen their military support for Ukraine, saying, "If Russia overcomes Ukraine, it could invade Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia next time."In response to NATO's denial of the possibility of establishing a no-fly zone in Ukraine on July 7, he said, "Many people will be killed because of NATO."The Baltic states are NATO members.Let's look at Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty.

North Atlantic Treaty

Article 5

 Contracting States agree to regard armed attacks against one or more Contracting States in Europe or North America as attacks against all Contracting States.Accordingly, in the event of such armed attack, the Contracting States shall exercise their individual or collective right to self-defense (including the use of forces) as they deem necessary to restore and maintain security in the North Atlantic region.

 The aforementioned armed attacks and all measures taken as a result shall be reported immediately to the Security Council.Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council takes necessary measures to restore and maintain international peace and security.

It can be seen from this that attacks on NATO members are considered attacks on NATO as a whole, and that the right to collective self-defense will be exercised.Russia's invasion of Ukraine was caused by Russia's reluctance to allow NATO troops to move near the Russian border, so Russia wants to create an environment that will not lead to war with NATO.Most importantly, Russia invaded Ukraine before NATO joined because it understood that Article 5 would be invoked.NATO's consistent stance of not entering Ukraine and not establishing a no-fly zone are aimed at avoiding an all-out war between Russia and NATO by exercising the right to collective self-defense.

Russia's next target is Moldova and Georgia, non-NATO members around the Black Sea, not the Baltic countries.


Russia is suppressing southeastern states in order to get the Black Sea.Non-NATO members around the Black Sea may be at risk rather than attacking NATO members.