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The fifth Russia-Ukraine ceasefire negotiation was held in Turkey and ended - Is there a possibility of multilateral negotiations in the future?

2022-03-30  Category:Ukraine


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Fives ceasefire negotiations held in Turkey

A ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia was held in Istanbul, Turkey on the 29th."We have decided to drastically reduce military operations around Kiev and in Chernihu in the north to achieve the goal of signing the treaty by enhancing mutual trust and setting the necessary conditions for the next round of negotiations," NHK reported.Ukraine said it would accept neutrality by establishing a new security framework.Turkey's Foreign Minister, Chausch 外相or, said, "We have reached agreement on several items and have made the most meaningful progress so far."

Reports in Russia have different nuances

According to Russian reports, the reduction of military operations means a halt to fighting between Kiev and Chernihu.Chernihu is a city just south of the border between Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, where it passes to capture Kiev from Russia and Belarus.But Russian journalist Yuri Vasiliev has said the suspension of the fighting in Chernihu does not mean a reduction in Russian military activity.In other words, the troops reduced in the region will be distributed to other regions.

"The possibility of a meeting of heads of state to sign the treaty will be discussed," said Vladimir Medinsky, head of the Russian delegation.This is not an easy problem."Especially to make it a multilateral conference with the participation of countries that guarantee peace and security in Ukraine."

Will multilateral conferences be realized?

In any case, Ukraine seems to be seeking neutrality on the premise of building new European security.This would require security agreements, including NATO members, rather than negotiations between Ukraine and Russia alone.Attention is focusing on whether NATO will change its position as a third party to provide weapons.

Деэскалация под Киевом и Черниговом, возможность встречи Путина и Зеленского. Итоги 29 марта на Украине