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Putin recognized Ukraine's pro - Russian forces independence. This is the mean that Russia will not to attack Ukraine.

2022-02-22  Category:Ukraine

Putin recognized Ukraine's pro - Russian forces independence. This is the mean that Russia will not to attack Ukraine.

Photo by Qypchak (licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

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Russia approved independence from Ukraine

On February 22, Putin recognized the independence of the People's Republic of Lugansk and the People's Republic of Ukraine.The Minsk Agreement (Minsk Protocol) was signed on September 5, 2014 in the People's Republic of Lugansk, the Donetsk People's Republic, Ukraine, and Russia. The agreement was virtually nullified and the civil war resumed.

The Crimean Peninsula issue is based on the involvement of Russian troops in order to make Crimean Peninsula independent and protect Russian residents.As a result, Crimea decided to join Russia through a referendum.

Meaning not to attack Ukraine

Putin has consistently said he will not attack Ukraine, but this is the answer.They will not attack Ukraine, but they will attack Lugansk and Donetsk.For Russia, the region is not Ukraine.

There are 1,497,170 people in the People's Republic of Lukansk and 2,299,120 people in the People's Republic of Tonetsk, totaling 3,796,290 people.Ukraine has a population of 44.13 million, so 8.6% of the population will leave.population of 1,967,000 on the Crimean Peninsula, In this recalculation, Russia will get for 12.5% of Ukraine's population.

If Ukrainian troops attack the People's Republic of Lugansk and the People's Republic of Donetsk, Russia and Ukraine will start a war.Russia's will not attack on Ukraine and not lead to war, but Ukraine's attack on the People's Republic of Lugansk and Donetsk lead to war.

Above all, NATO membership requires that the country is not in a state of civil war.If Ukraine claims that Lugansk and Donetsk belong to their own territory, the armistice agreement will be nullified, and if Ukraine tries to suppress it, it will become civil war and will not be able to join NATO.


Putin have made it clear that he will not attack Ukraine.Mr. Putin seems to be one step better than Mr. Biden.