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President Zelensky Addresses U.S. Congress, Says America Will Provide Economic Aid and Drone.

2022-03-18  Category:Ukraine

President Zelensky Addresses U.S. Congress, Says America Will Provide Economic Aid and Drone.

Photo by Olivier CABARET (licensed under CC BY 2.0)

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America offers strategic drones

President Zelensky attended and delivered a speech to the U.S. Congress remotely.It called for military assistance from the United States, and if it cannot send troops, it called for the provision of weapons and increased economic sanctions.Biden announced $800 million in additional military assistance and said he would provide 100 strategic drones, although he could not provide fighter jets.The U.S. has UAVs such as switch blades and LMAMS.Ukraine has asked NATO to set up a no-fly zone, but both NATO and the U.S. military have denied it.This is because setting up a no-fly airspace means NATO fighter jets and surface-to-air missiles will shoot down Russian fighter jets.When Poland asked to send Mig-29 to Ukraine via the United States, the United States refused, saying it would be considered a participation in the war.It seems to be a delicate judgment that a strategic drone is OK, although it does not set up a no-fly airspace and does not provide fighter jets.

Strategic drones in Russia

Russian military company Karashnikov Conzeln is unveiling its unmanned KUB military attack drone at a military exhibition in Moscow in August 2021.Attack drones such as Turkish-made attack drone Kargu-2 may have tracked soldiers and carried out attacks during fighting in Libya in March 2020, a panel of experts from the UN Security Council released a report.

A wandering attack plane called Kamikaze

The wandering attack drone is called Kamikaze Drone, and although it is not clear why it is compared to the Japanese kamikaze, it has become an international common name.In addition to unmanned aircraft that fly remotely, some fly autonomously with AI to select enemies and launch suicide attacks.The United States is said to have used drones in actual combat in Afghanistan, but this time 100 planes will be publicly provided to Ukraine.The performance of Russian-made drones and American-made drones may be conveyed.


It was said that the development of strategic drones in the United States was a little behind.I don't know the type of drone that will be given this time, but I expect its performance.