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The United Nations Announces More Than 1,000 Civilian Victims in Ukraine - Is Non - discriminatory Attacks Conducted?

2022-03-28  Category:Ukraine

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Tanks in Beijing Photo by Pete Campolongo (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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More than 1,000 civilian victims

The U.N. announced on Monday that more than 1,000 civilians have died a month after the invasion of Ukraine.When you say 1,000 people, it becomes a number that humans cannot grasp sensibly.

From past examples

The number of deaths, 2,829 missing and 6,194 injured in the Great East Japan Earthquake was reported.You can see how big the Great East Japan Earthquake was.If natural disasters are difficult to compare, 198 people were killed and 3,028 injured in the Gwangju incident in Korea.Taiwan's administrative agency has released an estimate of 18,000-28,000 victims of the 2.28 incident in Taiwan.The Chinese Communist Party officially announced 319 people were killed in the Tiananmen Square incident.This is not reliable because it is a Chinese-style statistic.The British government's official document reports that at a minimum, more than 10,000 civilians have been killed by Chinese forces.According to intelligence reports received by the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party, 3,000 people were killed.

Considering the number and duration of deaths

Given that the Great East Japan Earthquake was caused indiscriminately by nature, the February 28 incident in Taiwan would be equivalent to indiscriminate killings of civilians and the Tiananmen Square incident would be same.The Tiananmen Square incident lasted less than three weeks and the February 28 incident lasted five days.The Iraq War lasted eight years and nine months, with 116,000 civilian deaths.In terms of one month, the figure is 1,104, roughly equal to Ukraine's monthly civilian casualties .

The death toll is low or high is not matter in this point.The U.S. government had announced that during the war in Iraq, shelling civilian areas was a mistake.Of course, I don't think the United States was carrying out indiscriminate attacks on civilians.In other words, it can be inferred that the number of cases in which civilians are involved in combat is similar in Iraq and Ukraine.

It is important to be careful when watching media reports that indiscriminate attacks on civilians using modern weapons will result in a single digit difference.


We are currently at war, so various intelligence battles are taking place.As an ordinary citizen, there is no other way but to get information from the press.