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Ukraine and World War II.How far will economic sanctions stop Russia?

2022-03-09  Category:Ukraine

Ukraine and World War II.How far will economic sanctions stop Russia?

Photo by Unknown author (licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

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The ruble plummeted

Countries are tightening economic sanctions against Russia's invasion of Ukraine.Russia's ruble fell to about 66 percent.Others are skeptical about whether economic sanctions will stop Russia's march and say sanctions are working.What do you think of past wars?In World War I, Germany was defeated and had to pay heavy compensation.After the Great Depression, the Nazis grew stronger in this envioroment and became the first party in Germany's economy.

ABCD encircling Japan

After the Manchurian Incident, An ABCD encirclement network had established against Japan, and after the Nogokyo Incident, Japan's economy was completely surrounded.It is more like an economic blockade than an economic sanction.For Japan, where all supplies and oil were stopped and resources were scarce, it was like a food attack.As a result, the Nazis invaded all of Europe and Japan entered the Great East Asian War and the Pacific War.After World War II, postwar processing was based on international recognition that Germany's compensation in World War I eventually led to World War II. And China gave up its claim for compensation to Japan when diplomatic relations between China and Japan were normalized.

U.S. economic blockade against Japan
  1. July 1939 (Showa 14) Notice of Abolition of the Japan-U.S. Trade and Navigation Treaty
  2. In December 1939, we notified them to stop exporting aircraft gasoline manufacturing equipment and manufacturing technology rights as moral embago.
  3. The Japan-U.S. Trade and Navigation Treaty expired in January 1940
  4. June 1940 (Showa 15) Export license system for special machine tools, etc. to Japan
  5. In July 1940, the Defense Enhancement Promotion Act was enacted (the president's authority to select export items)
  6. July 26, 1940 (Showa 15) Enacted the Export Control Act on Steel and Steel Export Cutting Oil
  7. August 1940 Export license system for petroleum products (mainly aviation fuel with octane value of 87 or higher), tetraethyl lead, iron and scrap iron for aviation gasoline addition
  8. August 1940: Total embargo on aircraft fuel outside the Western Hemisphere
  9. September 1940: Total embargo on scrap iron
  10. December 1940 Export license system for aircraft lubricating oil manufacturing equipment and 15 other items
  11. Oil export license system in June 1941
  12. July 1941 Order for Freezing Japanese Assets in the United States
  13. August 1941: Total oil embargo on Japan
List Excerpt Wikipedia

Will economic sanctions stop or accelerate the war?

It is unclear how the economic sanctions against Russia will work, but it is highly likely that the war will accelerate in the face of national survival.Or Russia may start to compensate for its economic losses by merging Moldova and Georgia, not just Ukraine.Can North Korea explain what it is doing under U.N. economic sanctions?Ironically, it was war that ended the war.Or eliminate the cause of the war.


The world seems to be doing exactly what was done 100 years ago.Russia says it will not stop the war until it completes its operation.