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Former Defense Minister Onodera implicitly criticized the Ukraine issue.Japan and Taiwan will be the same as Ukraine.

2022-02-24  Category:Ukraine

Former Defense Minister Onodera implicitly criticized the Ukraine issue.Japan and Taiwan will be the same as Ukraine.

Photo by Secretary of Defense (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Former Defense Minister Onodera appeared on Sunday's report on the Ukraine incident and expressed his opinion.

Main remarks by Onodera

The Trump era did not exclude military resources.Biden ruled it out.Putin believes that the United States is just a mouthful.

The same thing happened in Afghanistan.It also happened in Ukraine.It could also happen in Taiwan.

Zelensky not only wants NATO to protect him, but also to protect his country.This will win the support of other countries.This is true of Japan, too.

I don't think we can do much about economic sanctions because we couldn't do anything during the Crimean Peninsula.

Taiwan has no military alliance with the United States.Looking at the present situation in the United States, Taiwan will eventually be abandoned.There is a trend in Taiwan to get along well with China.

The Ukraine issue is similar to the Taiwan issue, and Taiwan has not even declared independence.Neither the U.S. nor Japan has even approved it.In this relationship, we cannot help but be skeptical about what kind of legal framework the United States will use to defend Taiwan.In the U.S. Taiwan Relations Act, except for the provision of weapons to defend Taiwan, only the ambiguous phrase "appropriate action" is written.

Taiwan belongs to China internationally.The United Nations also defines the People's Republic of China as China's representative government[ref].Taiwan's independence requires the international community to declare Taiwan a state of independence, and the countries concerned recognize it.We can form an alliance for the first time after national recognition.If China attacks before that, which country will help Taiwan?


Trump would not have ruled out military options in Ukraine and would have approved Taiwan's independence.President Putin easily recognized the independence of pro-Russian forces.
