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Putin issued a special alert to the nuclear deterrent force.Putin's apparent mistake in his later years.nuclear intimidation.

2022-02-28  Category:Ukraine

Putin issued a special alert to the nuclear deterrent force.Putin's apparent mistake in his later years.nuclear intimidation.

Photo by International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (licensed under CC BY 2.0)

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President Putin Orders Nuclear Deterrence Force

Putin ordered strategic nuclear deterrent forces to be "special alert.He said "This is because Western countries have taken "unfriendly action" against Russia.

This is a far-fetched idea, and NATO countries are strongly criticizing it.Putin's previous invasion of Ukraine has been carefully calculated, and Putin has achieved his many goals successfully.In addition, Putin ordered its nuclear deterrent forces against G7 and other countries which would exclude Russia from the SWIFT and other economy .It is a special warning, it simply means that nuclear weapons should be prepared to be used at any time.

Nuclear weapons against economic sanctions?

Russia has not suffered any military damage in their country.The Ukrainian army is responsible for the internal defense of Ukraine, and the death of Russian soldiers in Ukraine have been caused by Ukrainian troops in Ukraine.The order for the nuclear deterrent forces is to prepare nuclear weapons in response to economic sanctions.

This is clearly Putin's mistake.Putin's personal isolation from the international community will be more serious than Russia's isolation.Putin is rumored to be aiming for a fifth term in Russia's 2024 presidential election, but even if he becomes president, no heads of state may negotiate with Putin.


This time, it is seen as a nuclear threat to the international community, and it can be such a big mistake that doubts about Putin's personality arise.