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The letter he wrote to his fiancée before the suicide attack contained nothing but compassion for the people left behind.

2021-12-27  Category:Japan

The letter he wrote to his fiancée before the suicide attack contained nothing but compassion for the people left behind.

Photo by Hayakawa (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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This is a letter that Captain Toshio Anazawa sent to his fiancée before the suicide attack (partial excerpt). Chieko received the letter four days after Captain Anazawa passed away. The true state of mind of a man who goes into battle is not filled with any grudge against the enemy, but only consideration for those left behind.


~I have nothing but to wish for your happiness.

Don't get hung up on the small principles of the past. you don't live in the past

Have the courage to forget the past and find new opportunities in the future

You live in the reality of the coming moments. Anazawa no longer exists in the real world.

It may have been extremely abstract, but I hope that it will be useful in various concrete situations that will occur in the future, and that it is not a selfish or one-sided statement. I am speaking from a purely objective standpoint. The cherry blossoms in this area have already fallen. I'm sure my favorite maiden will be visiting here soon. I'm not sure what to say at this point, but I'd like to express my feelings a little.

●Easy to read book

``Manyo'', ``haiku collection'', ``dōjō'', ``one-point bell'', ``hometown''

●Pictures I want to see

Raphael “Virgin and Child” Hogai “Sad Mother Kannon”

●Chieko: We meet often, talk often, and have no sex.

The future will be bright and cheerful. Not giving up on herself, she cheerfully smiles and marches on.

