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Japan was attacked by a coalition of Chinese and Korean forces.Japanese troops were sent to defeat China.

2022-01-20  Category:Japan

Japan was attacked by a coalition of Chinese and Korean forces.Japanese troops were sent to defeat China.

Photo by anonymous (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Genkou enemy is the Allied Forces of China and Korea

Genkou refers to the invasion of Japan by the Chinese Yuan and the Goryeo army.There are also theories that Khabirai Khan intended to invade Japan, and that King Goryeo incited Khabirai to attack Japan.The two expeditions ended in failure when a Chinese ship sank due to a storm called kamikaze.

After that, Japan entered the Warring States Period and entered a turbulent period.Oda Nobunaga, a genius, was not only good at fighting but also sensitive to the international situation.Literature at that time revealed that urgent Japan's unification was carried out because it predicted that there would definitely be another invasion from the continent.He then told Toyotomi Hideyoshi about it.The enemy will surely come from the continent.

The dispatch of Korean troops based on the experience of the Genkou

The purpose of Hideyoshi's dispatch to Korea was Ming, China.South Korea is said to have been attacked by Japan, but North Korea is not the purpose.As a result, the Ming army's counterattack on the Liaodong Peninsula led to a stalemate in the war situation, skepticism about the merits of Japan's rule of vast land with different cultural customs, and the death of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

If Japan had captured Ming at this time, the Japanese era would have been born in the era of different ethnic countries such as Sui, Tang, Yuan and Qing.Relations with Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and China have become clear in this era.It will come to light again in the next Sino-Japanese War.The Korean Peninsula exists between Japan and China and has not been an autonomous country in history.


Historically, Korea has been part of China.Although it exists as a liberal country, its dependence on China remains the same.